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Student Resources

On this page, you will find information and forms for:

  1. Placement Exam for Chinese, French, German and Spanish.
  2. Oral Proficiency Interview for Foreign language students who have been accepted into the STEP program in Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.
  3. Exit Survey for graduation seniors.

Oakland University has entered into an agreement with Brigham Young University to provide for online language placement testing. All students must now use this system. The tests can be taken on a home computer or at computer labs at Kresge, Dodge, 24/7, Oakland Center or at the language lab or Multimedia computer lab. Below are instructions on how to take an online placement exam.

Placement Exams: Chinese, French, German, and Spanish

  1. Open your web browser and visit Language Placement Exam
  2. Follow the prompts on the screen to take the exam
  3. When you are done, print 2 copies of your results (you will need to show a copy of your report to your adviser in the DMLL if you have questions about your placement)

If you find any problems logging in to the Placement Exam, please send a screen capture to [email protected] so that we can assess the nature of the problem.

Modern Language Placement Chart


Level Score Course

0, 1

Below 200

CHE 1140



CHE 1150



CHE 2140


Above 600

CHE 2150*


Level Score Course

0, 1


FRH 1140



FRH 1150



FRH 2140


395 and up

FRH 2150*


Level Score Course

0, 1


GRM 1140



GRM 1150



GRM 2140


395 and up

GRM 2150*


Level Score Course

0, 1


SPN 1140



SPN 1150



SPN 2140


440 and up

SPN 2150*

*If you placed into 2150, please consult with a department advisor as you may belong in a more advanced (3000 level) class. Please go to 372 O’Dowd Hall or call (248) 370-2060 for more information on your placement.

Foreign language students in French, German and Spanish who have been accepted into the STEP program are required to achieve a score of 'Advanced Low' for oral proficiency in an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI or OPIc) before they do their student teaching. Japanese and Chinese students will be expected to achieve a minimum score of 'Intermediate High'. The rating system corresponds to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines set out on the official ACTFL OPI website. The OPI is an interview conducted over the phone, the OPIc is an interview conducted with an avatar on your computer.

Registration Procedure

  1. Visit http://www.languagetesting.com/certifications-tests/test-information
  2. Select the language you want to take the test in.
  3. Select the test option (OPI or OPIc)
  4. Follow the prompts on the screen.

How does Web Based Proctoring Work?

The test takes about 30 minutes and is delivered over the phone (OPI) or the computer (OPIc). The proctoring is done via webcam on your computer. Check out whether your computer has what is needed by visiting http://www.proctoru.com/testitout you should also visit this website to do the LTI system check if you are taking an OPIc.

Please use a phone (ideally a landline) with a strong, stable connection, and take the test in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Please do not use a speaker phone. If we cannot hear you clearly, we will have to cancel the test. If you do not have access to a computer with a webcam, you can check out a laptop at Kresge Library and bring it to a study room where you can conduct the interview without being interrupted.

Taking the Test

  1. Log into your account 15 minutes before the scheduled time. You will need to have:
    • your picture ID ready, and have
    • access to a phone while you are sitting at your computer (ideally a landline, but a cellphone with good reception is acceptable).
  2. Log into your Registration Site (http://tms.languagetesting.com/IndividualSite) and then click on “Scheduled ACTFL Tests’, and then “View Confirmed Test Appointment Information”.
    This will take you to a list of your upcoming tests – a clickable “Take it Now” link in the ‘Action’ column will become active 10 minutes before your test. Click on it, and you will be taken to the Proctoring Site.
  3. You will need to do a quick download to connect to the Proctor who will make sure you have everything you need to take the test, check your ID, and log you in to the test.
  4. You will be able to ask the Proctor for technical assistance, and you will be monitored throughout the test. If something happens during the test, the Proctor can help you through the situation. The Proctor is also responsible for test security. If any suspicious activity is detected, the Proctor can either: a) step in to halt the test; or b) flag the test for review by LTI, which will look at the video of the test to determine whether a rating can be issued. If the test is determined to be suspicious after the review, you will be informed, and appropriate policies will be implemented.
  5. Upon completion of the test, you will be logged out, and you will receive an on-screen notification that you have successfully completed the test.
  6. Results are collected after the test is rated by logging back into your account.

If your call is interrupted for any reason, please call the tester back; he/she is not able to call you.

If you have any questions, please visit our Support Center at http://languagetesting.desk.com.

You can also contact us via email ([email protected]) or on the phone (914.963.7110).

Who should I send my score to?

When you receive your score, your should forward the email to:

Raquel Prieta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, [email protected]
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
Oakland University

O'Dowd Hall, Room 373
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482

General Information about the OPI/OPIc Interview

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) has created accepted standards for foreign language learning in the five basic areas of language learning which are identified as communication, culture, communities, connections and comparisons. The OPI relates in particular to the area of oral communication. The OPI is a standardized procedure used for the global assessment of functional speaking ability. It is a face-to-face or telephone interview between a certified ACTFL tester and an examinee. The tester uses specific guidelines to determine how well a person speaks a language by comparing his or her ability to perform specific communication tasks with the criteria that have been created to identify ten proficiency levels defined in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The levels range as follows: Superior, Advanced High, Advanced Mid, Advanced Low, Intermediate High, Intermediate Mid, Intermediate Low, Novice High, Novice Mid, Novice Low. STEP students will be expected to achieve a minimum rating of Advanced Low (French, German, Spanish) or Intermediate High (Japanese and Chinese).

The ACTFL OPI is a carefully structured conversation between the certified tester and the examinee. It is an interactive interview that continuously adapts to the speaking abilities of the examinee. Each interview is taped by one or more certified tester, and each Official OPI is blindly rated by a second certified tester. The ACTFL OPI is currently used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies and private corporations for purposes such as academic placement, student assessment, professional certification, hiring and promotional qualification. Students are encouraged to study the ACTFL Oral Proficiency website to gain good insights into the format of the interview in order to prepare themselves in advance for the kinds of topics, role-playing, etc., that will be a part of their OPI.

Oakland University’s Modern Languages and Literature Department supports several student organizations, allowing emerging professionals to network and gain hands-on experience in conjunction with their studies. Each organization blazes the trail for students to tailor their studies into a range of career pathways.

The following language clubs meet to improve members’ conversational skills and to enjoy social activities. Contact the club adviser for meeting days and times.

Arab-American Student Association (ASA), Dunya Mikhail, adviser ([email protected])

China Club, Melanie Chang, adviser ([email protected])

National Chinese Honor Society, Melanie Chang, adviser ([email protected])

Chinese Corner, Melanie Chang, adviser ([email protected])

French Club, Dikka Berven, adviser ([email protected])

German Club, Angineh Djavadghazaryans, adviser([email protected])

Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO), Cecilia Saenz-Roby, adviser ([email protected])

Italian Club, Caterina Pieri, adviser ([email protected])

Japanese Club, Bobby Del Greco, adviser ([email protected])

Kaffeestunde, Anja Wieden ([email protected])

Mesa de conversación, Cecilia Saenz-Roby, adviser ([email protected])

Pi Delta Phi (French Honor Society Rebecca Josephy, adviser ([email protected])

Sigma Delta Pi-Theta Psi (Spanish), Cecilia Saenz-Roby ([email protected])

Spanish Club, Cecilia Saenz-Roby, adviser ([email protected])

Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers, Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo, adviser ([email protected])